Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Blog post #5

Cameron Richards
M. Schroeder
English 101
November 23, 2016

Thesis: Much of today's society has become extremely dependent towards technology which has influenced us to become more and more lazy.

I. Intro.

II. Converse about the sudden supply and demand of electronics.
  • Origin
  • Yearly statistical growth 
III. The "easy fixes" of technological advancements
  • Brief description of a few inventions that have made "life easier".
  • The negative affects of those inventions towards society
IV. The devastation of the creation of the internet.
  • Discuss the growth of impatience and laziness in people
  • How we treat anything that can access the internet as a member of the family
V. The impact towards our health and education
  • Children showing signs of poor academic performance, and writing skills
  • No social relationships 
  • Possible memory loss
VI. The opposite side of argument
  • Explain the other side of the argument 
  • (opposing supportive detail)
  • show its flaw 

VII. Conclusion

I commented on Emma's blog and Atokena's blog.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Blog post #4

Venn Diagram

Below this paragraph is a link to my Venn diagram.
The purpose of my paper is to show high school graduates, like my brother, the differences and similarities of what college is like compared to the high school everyone leaves. I myself thought this to be a perfect topic for my essay because it is something that I have been looking into for the past few months. I'm close to graduation and would rather know about what I'm getting myself into, rather than going in blind.
Venn Diagram

I commented on Porchia's  blog and Makayla's blog.